Let's consider the sort of world we want to live in. My first thought is, may we be spared more of the same: more war, injustice, enforced poverty, racism, hate, thievery, oppression, militarism, etc.
I like to imagine a world with fewer yachts and private jets for fatcats, and more homes for regular people. Maybe a bit less opulence and luxury and devil-may-care money for celebrities, athletes, politicians and CEOs, an end to corporate welfare and give-aways to the rich and powerful, and more care and economic justice for ordinary people. I see no reason not to yearn for a society with fewer and much better and more humane prisons and more and better schools. We deserve healthcare as a right and free education, it seems to me, because a better educated and healthier population benefits the entire society. Why wouldn't we be this good to ourselves?
The more we can do to lift people up, the better. The more we can do to care properly for each other, the better. If we put the same effort into lifting people up as we presently do in pushing them down or screwing them over, or cheating them, we'd achieve great progress. We'd advance the cause of humanity and redeem the species. We'd get serious about climate change and the proper care of our seriously threatened ecosphere. We’d make love not war. We'd earn our self-bestowed moniker of homo sapiens sapiens, wise or knowing [hu]man.
Let's think about the kind of society we want to live in.
The revolution lives.
This was in Salt Lake City a few days ago:
This was yesterday:
Huge Crowd Of 20,000-30,000 Estimated At Bernie Sanders Seattle RallyBy Jason Easley on Sun, Mar 20th, 2016 at 6:52 pm
Hours before Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was set to speak in Seattle, WA an estimated crowd of 20,000-30,000 lined up to get into an arena that holds 17,000.
The revolution is still happening. 20,000 to 30,000 people last night in Seattle for Bernie. They want us to believe we're beaten but we know better. 20,000 to 30,000 people. There is definitely something extraordinary happening here.
x YouTube VideoWe are in this thing to win it, and our movement is still on the rise, but win or lose, we aren't going anywhere. The revolution will outlive this election. We're up against it in this country. We can't stand more of the same.
We've got to change.Vote for the change we've long been denied and desperately need.
To a better and more hopeful future for all.
A plug for my buddies at the BNR:BNR - 'Sanders Speaks To 30,000+ In Washington State' & 'Bernie Supporters Are Undaunted'
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